Critical Microsoft Dynamics GP Tax Update for 2018

The IRS released the 2018 federal income tax withholding tables and calculations. To coincide with the tax changes Microsoft has put the tax changes into effect. You can now download and install your Microsoft Dynamics GP tax update. Make sure to download the U.S. 2018 January Payroll Tax Update document created by Microsoft to see the changes and take a deeper look at the documentation.

Note, this will most likely be the LAST TAX UPDATE FOR GP 2013, so please make plans to get your 2013 system upgraded before year-end. Contact us at Alta Vista and speak with one of us about upgrading your GP or transitioning to a new system!

Changes in this Update

The update includes changes to federal tax tables.

Federal – 1036 Release  – see Publication 15 on the IRS webpage to track news and information related to this update.

To Install the Microsoft Dynamics GP Tax Update

Navigate to the Microsoft Dynamics GP icon within GP. Select Maintenance then US Payroll Updates and Check for Tax Updates. Select Automatic and enter your authorized number (which is often your authorized, main phone number). Microsoft Dynamics GP will do the rest.

Certain environments may have tighter security restrictions that prevent the automatic update. In those environments, it’s possible to download the tax update separately and pick the “manual” option to install the tax update in those environments and navigate to the update file if that’s needed, but know that the automatic option is ideal for most situations.

After your tax tables are updated, the new date should read 1/19/2018.


Once this update is deployed you’ll have the updated tax codes for all Microsoft Dynamics GP companies – no logging in and out of multiple companies if you run payroll in multiple places.

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