What is xRM?

Keep in mind, if you are new to the world of CRM it is best to keep it simple for near future. After all, you have to crawl before you walk and walk before you run.Microsoft Dynamics sits on a .NET platform. For those not familiar with .NET, think of the core of Dynamics CRM as a piece of clay that can be molded into whatever the artist wishes to create. The platform allows users to build business processes faster, and with less risk and lower cost than a standalone customer development solution.

Why Choose Intacct for your SaaS Accounting Solution

Check out Intacct’s best-in-class cloud ERP solution and why you should choose Intacct for your SaaS Accounting Solution.

Why I Jump Out of a Perfectly Good Airplane

Scott Jackson, President of Alta Vista Technology (AVT) jumps literally into the cloud. He was motivated to jump out of a perfectly good airplane to show viewers that putting their financials in the cloud with Intacct is safe and secure.

Office 365. The Key to the Cloud

Are you ready? I’m about to ask you the million dollar question… “Does your company have Office 365?” Is that your final answer? Dramatics aside, you can’t integrate CRM On-Premise as seamlessly with Office 365 as you can with CRM Online. Therefore, if you answered yes to the question above, you need to seriously considering CRM Online.

A Tale of Two Deployments

With the rise of CRM Online, businesses looking to take advantage of customer relationship management are no longer restricted by physical servers or large IT hardware budgets. That being said, CRM On-Premise still plays a large part for many of our new and existing customers. That is the true beauty of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you always have a choice.

White Paper : Best-of-Breed vs. Software Suite for Financial Management

The obvious advantage of a best-of-breed approach is you get to choose the right tools for your organization as it grows and adapts to changing market conditions, and you can roll out these capabilities quickly at a lower cost and with less risk compared to suites. Software suites, on the other hand, offer a “one-and-done” fix to a complex problem.

Who Takes the Lead? CRM Online vs CRM On-Premise

One of the most obvious, yet complicated decisions to make when considering CRM online vs. on premise is, “who will manage the system?” Yes, there are distinct advantages to having your CRM system maintained outside your own four walls. That being said, there are also a number of reasons why you would want to do the opposite.

Cloud Based Technology: More For Less

It’s no doubt that cloud based technology is the future of software. Microsoft has definitely taken notice to this trend. In response, they have offered some key, industry leading platforms to CRM online users at NO additional cost. Those with CRM on premise can still take advantage of these tools, but will have to pay extra to do so.

Reporting in the Cloud

Making the choice of what CRM offering to go with is similar to buying a car. You want both to last, you want them each to help you with your daily activities, and ultimately you may tend to pull the trigger a little too quickly when purchasing. After all, both will end up being the “shiny new toy” you can’t wait to test drive. Recently I’ve been asked by numerous clients regarding the differences in reporting between CRM online and on premise.

Interested in the Cloud?

It is finally here! What you all have been waiting for! Alta Vista Technology and Intacct team up to jump into the cloud!