How to Create a new Item in Intacct

How to Make a Customer in Intacct

Creating a Customer with Intacct

Sage Intacct: Cloud Accounting Software

Best Practices for Nonprofits: Automate Your Processes
As nonprofits, your business focuses on expanding programs and services, reducing costs, increasing return on mission, and strengthening donor loyalty – all of which is good stewardship. That’s really what automation of processes is all about: doing more and creating greater impact with less.

AWS Truepower's Share Why They Ultimately Chose Intacct's Cloud Solution
AWS Truepower's CFO, Sophy Lai shares the top must haves for a cloud solution. AWS Truepower is a long-time leader and innovator in renewable energy providing technical consulting, software, data, and advisory services for the wind and solar energy markets.

Intacct Integrates Databasics Time & Expense Automation
Cloud-based time and expense solution provider Databasics announced a partnership with Intacct to integrate its employee reporting and management automation technology with Intacct’s cloud financial applications.

Cloud Accounting Software Helps Not-for-Profits Business
Finance executives of nonprofit organizations talk about the advantages of using Intacct's cloud based business accounting software. Check out this video . . .

Best Practice Trends for Nonprofits: Diversify Your Funding
This is the second topic in Intacct's blog series on Best Practice Trends for Nonprofits. Sustainable funding is critical to your organization as you scale and plan for the future. It’s easy to get used to traditional types of funding – and become dependent on them. Most nonprofits are heavily – or even fully – dependent on philanthropy. Philanthropy alone is no longer sustainable for most growing nonprofit organizations. Developing a sustainable funding strategy should be a priority as you budget, plan, and prepare for the future.