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Automate Your Track & Approval Processes with Dynamics GP's Workflow Document Attachment

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Altec and Solver Announce the Release of doc-link and BI360 Integration for Microsoft Dynamics® GP Customers
Altec Products, Inc., a leader in enterprise document management and workflow solutions, announced today (Jan. 8, 2015) the release of the doc-link and BI360 integration for Microsoft Dynamics GP. Dynamics GP customers will be able to leverage the new integration to launch associated documents in doc-link from within their BI360 reports.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 Released on Dec. 1, 2014 Adding 120+ New Features
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 continues their evolution to the cloud with optimization for the Azure platform, an open service based architecture, seamless Office 365 integration, efficient multi-tenant provisioning, broadened employee usage with self-service features, and simple to configure business process workflows. Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 is also the accumulation of 120 features delivered since Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 with features being released to customers on a six month cadence.
The release of Dynamics GP 2015 also updates the features that were new in GP 2013 R2 release, including identity management, workflow, and Business Analyzer. It also adds requisition management and employee self-service app for time management that are driven by workflow.

Test Drive Dynamics GP & Office 365 - Stay Connected
In this test drive, you'll see how Microsoft Dynamics GP and Office 365 work together to connect people, processes, and systems all from one place. From Office 365, you have quick access to your calendar, email, and SharePoint sites. With a quick glance, you can see the people in your organization and who's online to easily connect with colleagues by using Microsoft Lync.

Get it Now - Integrated Document Management
Learn how your company can eliminate paper, strengthen internal controls, expedite business process and maximize productivity. Start eliminating costs associated with storing, printing and sending paper documents and save time that is normally spent waiting for approvals or searching for documents. You've heard of paperless and go green terminology, and how about efficiency and disaster recovery?