Cloud Financials & Intacct: The Solution to Accounting Software Growing Pains

Growing Pains

Company growth. Exponential growth. Large increase in revenue. More than 100 employees? These are all great things. Right? However, with company growth comes growing pains. Don’t worry. Intacct has you covered.


As your business is growing, you may find that various manual processes need to be automated, or your because of growth, your business now has multiple locations, and each site may require real time access to data. For awhile, your business may be able to keep up with various processes, from invoice and billing, approval workflows, procure to pay and even revenue management. But there comes a point at which doing so manually is no longer feasible.

In a business that is less than fully automated, perhaps you’re finding that what previously worked fine is no longer.  Case in point:  In years past, Business A was able to create and send 100 purchase orders, but now, due to growth, the same company needs to create and send 500 purchase orders.  Done manually, 100 orders is feasible, but 500 requires far too much time. Or, the simple process such as overseeing and tracking an employee requisition for office supplies or furniture, may take longer than desired.  With this new growth, a controller should not have to spend unnecessary extra time, tracking the history (reviewing data, confirming availability and approval) from different departments for a single item.  At this point, a company’s finance team is losing time and money. Absent automation, these manual processes could be eating up precious hours of a company’s CFO and accounting staff.

Intacct: The Cloud Financials Remedy

It’s all about automation. When starting out, a software like Quickbooks may have proved fantastic as it simplified what may have otherwise been complicated processes for persons just starting a new business; however, with growth, you may find that you’re spending an inordinate amount of time in Excel creating customized financial reports and analyses.

Today, thousand of companies are adopting cloud computing and Intacct.  Of all the companies offering a cloud financials solution, Intacct is the fastest growing.

Key Benefits of Cloud Computing

When adopting a new version of server based software, many processes slow down and grind to a halt, as implementation simply takes up precious time, ultimately costing money. With a cloud financials solution such as Intacct, a business no longer has to stop everything to allow for completion of an upgrade. Intacct is constantly changing and upgrading in the cloud and the changes and benefits are immediately available to the user.

The results:

  • Reduced cost of adoption: less licensing, training and support costs
  • Quicker and improved adoption: Intacct is quick, intuitive and easy to use
  • Flexibility: you can purchase and pay only for what your business needs; you’re no longer buying the whole package when you don’t need it
  • Reduction or elimination of on-premises cost deficiencies:  cloud models, especially Intacct, win.  Your employees now spend less time seeking help desk assistance and server support; and you’ll simultaneously benefit from regular, consistent updates without a barrage of new and time-consuming training.
  • Remote, multi-user and multi-site access:  with Intacct’s cloud based solution in place, your employees at various sites can now access the same data in real time.  This convenience is not limited to executives, but to other employees such as auditors who may require similar access.

With a cloud financials solution such as Intacct, your growing business will continue its robust reporting and sound operating without sacrificing efficiency or conceding valuable time.

Let’s explore Intacct’s cloud financials solution together. Contact Alta Vista Technology; we are 100% committed to exceeding the expectations of financial professional like you.